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Information for Students

During your time at Birkett House School, you will have the opportunity to work on skills that you need to prepare yourselves for adulthood and the world outside of Birkett House.

When you are in the Primary Department, we will concentrate on helping and encouraging you to develop positive attitudes to purposeful activities and learning the skills of concentration and application to tasks. In the Autumn Term we carry out 'Employment' tasks, in Spring, 'Independent Living' tasks and in Summer, 'Community Interaction' tasks.

This is continued throughout Key Stage 3, where you will also begin to look a variety of career options, 'developing self', the 'world of work', and experience enterprise opportunities. 

Once in the Senior Department, you will be given specific careers education appropriate to you. For example, activities and experiences to introduce you to opportunities that exist for your transition to adulthood and leaving Birkett House.

You may be involved in Enterprise Education, a bespoke career lesson and have the opportunity to undertake work experience in a range of settings.

Alternatively, you may have opportunities to experience vocational type activities that could lead to employment, e.g. horticulture, photography, hospitality and catering.

Please find below a copy of the Careers Passport that your Teachers will help you fill out during your time at Birkett House.